on this page, we’ve curated a list of superpowers with their details, like overview, capabilities, alternative names, applications, techniques, variations, associations, limitations, characters, and many more details. Also, you can get unlimited superpowers using our random power generator .
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Geokinesis Superpower | Earth Manipulation
Geokinesis is a supernatural ability to manipulate earth elements; it allows characters to shape terrain,…
hydrokinesis | Water manipulation superpower
Hydrokinesis, the supernatural ability to control water, is a power that captivates the imagination. hydrokinesis…
Chlorokinesis Superpower: Ability to Control plants
Chlorokinesis, also known as agrokinesis, botanokinesis, and phytokinesis, is the mental or physical ability to…
oneirokinesis | dream manipulation
In stories, we often encounter amazing abilities. One of these is oneirokinesis, the power to…
ferrokinesis | Metal Manipulation
Metal manipulation is the supernatural ability to control, shape, or influence metallic substances through extraordinary…
Hypnokinesis: The Ability to Manipulate Sleep
Overview Hypnokinesis is a unique ability that allows superheroes and villains to manipulate someone’s sleep…
Osteokinesis | The Bone Manipulation Ability
Overview of Bone Manipulation | osteokinesis Bone manipulation, also called osteokinesis, is a powerful superpower…